swallow dive


swallow dive 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chiefly British.

swallow dive 近义词

swallow dive

等同于 swan dive

swallow dive 的近义词 4

更多swallow dive例句

  1. For Randy, a 50-year-old ex-Mormon gay man, this cure was a particularly bitter pill to swallow.
  2. Not even after its parent company, the Soviet Union, took a dive in 1991.
  3. When used improperly those encouraging statistics take a nose dive.
  4. The young goslings' first major life event is to cliff dive down to their parents, as was captured here by BBC cameras.
  5. For the Times, which had won four Pulitzer Prizes in 2013, the Snowden slip-up was a bitter pill to swallow.
  6. Hunger had to be satisfied, however, and I had to swallow my pride and my five-pennyworth.
  7. In smoking, they swallow the fumes of the tobacco which causes intoxication for a time.
  8. The birds that build them swallow a certain kind of glutinous weed growing on the coral rocks.
  9. Then came the end: the Titanic, with a low long slanting dive went down and with her Thomas Andrews.
  10. Here was something for the "babes and sucklings" of the craft of violin making to swallow.